Monday 19 October 2015

Building hunger...

It has already been one month since I started University and so far I have really been enjoying the experience. I have already read so many interesting books and some that I have always longed to read but never found the time to. I've also met some incredible people and found myself growing in this season. Going to University was something I have always wanted to do but after the past few years of difficulties it became less of a priority.

Yet as the weeks have been going on a new type of hunger has been awakening in me. I find the work interesting but it is not as satisfying as I always thought it would be. If anything I find myself more hungry than ever but not for the kind of knowledge I gain at University- my hunger is for God. The more I'm at University the more I realise how much I want and need God to be central in my life. I constantly want to talk about Him, write about Him and worship Him.

I have always believed education is important and I am so blessed with the opportunity to learn. Somehow though my beliefs got mixed up with thinking it meant everything, that it was part of my identity. Yet as I sit in University I realise more and more that it cannot cultivate the person I want to be, the knowledge I will gain is only a small part of who I am and cannot serve fully to who I want to be.

At first I thought it was a bad thing that University did not satisfy me. It made me question whether I was doing the right thing in being there. After a time though it became clear that this new season is one of building hunger for God. I want more of Him, I need more of Him. My soul has been crying out for that every day as it continuously increases. "Give me more God", my heart sings, I've tasted and seen that the Lord is good and I want more...

As the Autumn leaves fall outside I shed my own dried up leaves and step into new truths...

"I am truly His Rose...I am overshadowed by His growing love, in the valley"...

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